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Bit Fitting

Finding the right bit for your horse can be tricky, especially now there is such a wide choice on the market. Certified as a bit and bridle fitter through Lantra, I will come to your yard and help and advise on the best bit for you and your horse. I will bring a selection of bits for you to try, so that you can be sure that you are getting the results you want.


the horse’s mouth

There is surprisingly little room in the horses mouth, and this can vary tremendously on each individual case. From low palates, to thick tongues or narrow, sharp bars, there are all sorts of anatomical considerations to take into account when choosing a bit that your horse is going to be comfortable in. Luckily, there are a huge variety of bits to choose from, so that each horse can be treated as an individual and be made as comfortable as possible.


The rider’s hands

What you want to do with your horse can also have an impact on the bit that you choose. For dressage competitors it’s important to know that the bit you’ve chosen is BD legal. Or perhaps you are schooling a youngster, and your horse is looking for extra stability and clarity in the aids. And for those braving the cross country course sometimes something a little stronger can help your horse remember he has a rider on board. I’m a firm believer that our horses should be as comfortable as possible, and we should do all we possibly can to avoid pain and discomfort - safety and welfare should go hand in hand.


Choosing a bit

I hold a wide range of demo stock from various brands that I bring with me for bitting sessions. During the session we will start with a head and mouth assessment, making sure there isn’t anything unusual going on that we need to keep in mind.

Then you will be able to ride and try lots of different styles of bits so you can feel the difference in your horse’s way of going. I can advise you on exactly how each bit is working and which pressure points it will be employing under rein tension. My aim is to help you make an informed decision, and one that will work best for you both.

I am a stockist for Trust, Myler, Winderen and Neue Schule, and can place orders for you for any of these brands.